Sunday, July 17, 2011

VESSEL world premiere at 2011 Action on Film, Film Festival.

( July 15, 2011 --
Producer Director Carlo Treviso recently completed another one of his short films. This latest short film is titled “VESSEL” and has been officially selected for the 2011 Action On Film International Film Festival in Los Angeles, CA screening Saturday July 30th. The film will make its world debut at the short film festival. Treviso has hopes of turning this into a full-length feature film.

The short film with feature film potential, explores the complex emotions surrounding death and dying, while injecting an allegorical sci-fi element, which deals with the extraction and transference of a human soul into a robotic form. VESSEL is a reverent allegory exploring the greatest mystery of life: being the question of what happens after death.

Treviso originally conceived the project. This isn’t Treviso’s first short film or science fiction foray, as he’s previously written/produced/directed the award-winning 2010 short film “Freeborn”, which screened at international film festivals in cities as diverse as Los Angeles, London, La Rioja Spain, and Milwaukee. Treviso’s work is inspired by the power of myth, as he believes that the best science fiction should serve as a metaphorical allegory of the human condition. Philosophy, revolution, social forms of ancient and modern man, discoveries in science and technology, all rise from the magic ring of myth. VESSEL is an example of the philosophical, technological and mythical storytelling that is Treviso’s specialty. Treviso doesn’t create Science Fiction, he creates Modern Myths, and VESSEL is no exception. This short film is prime to be extended into a full-length feature film, and could hopefully explain the question: what is a myth? Treviso hopes to shift the general perception of traditional science fiction within his body of work to a more myth-centric experience, within a full-length feature film.

VESSEL was shot over a one-day period in the Chicago area. Treviso chose Chicago for the incredible talent and production pool in Chicago. The actors featured in the film are Heidi Drennan and SAG actor Chris Agos. Treviso also hails from Chicago, IL and is a creative agency producer currently with global advertising agency J. Walter Thompson (JWT), selected as Ad Week’s 2009 Agency of Year. He has creative-produced inspirational TV and Web campaigns---designed to excite and inspire audiences---for world-class brands such as Rolex, Mercedes-Benz, NASA, Enjoy Illinois, and Levi’s, and featuring A-list talent Lenny Kravitz, Avril Lavigne, and Scottie Pippen.

The VESSEL creative team decided to shoot this short film on the Panasonic Varicam. The Varicam is a broadcast standard digital HD cinema camera that provided the team with the ability to achieve dramatic color information and shallow depth of field. Aesthetically VESSEL was shot in a cinema verite (or hand-held) inspired style. The hand held camera work was chosen to amplify the sense of emotional urgency that the films communicates in dealing with the subject matter of death, dying, and the loss of a loved one.

Visually and for the overall tone of film, the works of Stanley Kubrick heavily inspired Treviso. Kubrick is known for his poignant melodrama and emphasis on vibrant primary colors as a means to draw the viewer into a specific moment in the narrative experience. With VESSEL, Treviso used a similar approach with his creative direction to the talent, along with the color palette, particularly emphasizing the blues and reds. The blue motif representing the cool world in which we live, contrasted with the red motif, hinting at the mysterious life force of the great beyond.

Treviso’s production company is Veteran Pictures. Veteran Pictures is Full-Service Creative Production Studio which conceives, produces, and activates all forms of original branded content. Made up of cerebral creative thinkers and populist storytellers, their mission is to excite and inspire audiences with emotional, narrative-charged visual experiences.

The VESSEL Trailer can be found here:

Written and Directed by: Carlo Treviso

Produced by: Carlo Treviso, Beth Humbert

Cast: Chris Agos, Heidi Drennan, Kristen Kruchowski, Erin Conley, Sara Barto

Director of Photography: Matt Boehm

Editor: Carlo Treviso

Colorist: Matt Boehm

Sound Design: Marc Schmidt

Stylist: Megan Farris

Gaffer: Shaun Fleeger

Set Photographer: Sara Barto

Script Editor: Matt Meadath

Post-Production Associate: Erika Sandrok

Camera/Grip/Electric provided by: Visions of Light, Inc (

Visual Effects: Matt Boehm, Carlo Treviso

View the original article here

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