Los Angeles, California, United States of America (Free-Press-Release.com) July 29, 2011 -- After a decade of going through despicable suffering and untold trauma, Rasul “Rocky” Clark still hangs onto hope. It was back in 2001 during a High School football match that saw Clark suffer an accident that would paralyze him from the neck downwards, up to now.
The former student of Eisenhower High School was admitted to the hospital under the school’s insurance benefits, and sadly, his insurance benefit has run out now. This leaves his mother as the sole career, and can’t afford to meet his medical costs, that counting mounting at an alarming rate. So far, he has spent more than $70,000 in catering for the drugs, and other related costs.
Rasul “Rocky” Clark spends $1,000 for two drugs that must be taken four times a day. This figure is certainly getting out of reach, and his mother, who is now his sole caretaker sends her appeal for assistance. Speaking to journalists and reporters, she said that her finances are now over-stretched and she can’t afford to single-handedly meet the mounting medical costs. The most devastating news is that Rasul Clark is now not entitled to any form of insurance benefit after depleting what had been allocated to him under the school benefit plan and relies on his mother’s social security benefits, which are not even meeting his daily costs halfway.
Interestingly, Clark shares his birthday with the first Lady Michelle Obama. In what would be described as the true embodiment of the American spirit, he has refused to give up on hope. In his hospital bed, he has become the voice of million others who undergo such life-changing incidents but still hope against hope that a better day is around the bend. The story of this 26-year old former athlete is the very definition of the American story, and has unwavering faith in the generosity of the American people. He sends his appeals to all, to help his meet his medical costs.
He has never stopped believing that the American dream truly endures, and in a country where everyone is his brother’s keeper, certainly nothing is impossible. The strength and richness of the American heart is not measured just by the material wealth, but by the willingness to be generous and assist in a worthy cause.
The target of this film is $2,500. That may sound much, but not to a generous society like America. If you pledge your $5 to this noble cause on kickstarter, we only need 500 people and we achieve our goal, change someone’s life for the better and leave a legacy of peace to our next generations.
For more information, please contact Jean Elie, the producer of “The Gladiator of Eisenhower” a short Film that highlights the true story of Rasul “Rocky” Clark. Email Jean.Elie826@gmail.com
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